
The most beautiful dirt you've ever seen


Happily exhausted.

I'm so exhausted today that it won't take long for me to fall asleep. I'm gonna go to bed soon. Yup, completely worn out. But before that, before I forget, let me put some of my thoughts floating in the sea of my mind, because looking back…

Expensive lunch worth paying

As I tweeted earlier, today was a big day filled with a joy of learning. I got to spend some time with a good friend of mine at Hilton Osaka. It was a perfect sunny day. We frankly exchanged our thoughts and ideas over lunch and several cu…


2年前の日記を開いたら、別人が書いたような文章が目に飛び込んできた。字はみみずのように曲がっているし、言いたいことも意味不明。これが本当に自分の文章かと疑いたくなるけど、どうやら間違いなく自分が書いたものと認めざるを得ない。 内容もまたすこ…